Whalehunter.cash News

This page lets you view news items created in Offerit by the Network. These news items can include new developments, announcements, noteworthy information for your affiliate account, or anything your Network chooses. Use the "Latest News Headlines" section on the left-hand side to select a news item to read; the full news item will then be displayed on the right, along with the date that it was posted, in the View News Article module.

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New payment method available July 1st, 2020

We are happy to announce that you now have the possibility to use ePayService as a payment method in your Whalehunter.cash affiliate account.

So if you want to change your current payment method into ePayService then follow this steps:

  1. Login and go to My account page, 

  2. Scroll down the page until you see Payment details and click on the 'Modify' text button that you have in the right

  3. Click on the drop down menu on the 'Payment Method'  

  4. Choose ePayService as the payment method. 

  5. Enter your wallet number (eg. 1111 2222 3333 4444) and click save.

Don`t forget to confirm the changes by checking your email and click on the confirmation link from the email you get from us.

All the other payment methods remain unchanged and are working as usual.